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The Error of 'Don't you Know you are a Girl? '

Part 1

Dear Society,
When you want to correct a female going wrong, especially a child,  do not remind her that she is a girl. Do not tell her to stop because she is a girl. Tell her to stop and change because her actions are wrong.

When she wears a skirt and sits with her legs wide open,  tell her to close them because it is wrong to sit with your undies exposed.

When she talks arrogantly,  correct her because it is wrong to speak that way. Don't tell her to be polite because girls should be. Sensible humans are polite. Politeness is not gender specific.

When she dresses indecently,  correct the wrongness of the dressing. Don't make it about her gender. Decency doesn't apply to one gender.

When she is unable to cook at 18, remind her that it is only reasonable for an adult to be capable of making food for his/her survival. No gender needs the skill more.

When she rides her car in a rough manner,  remind her that wrong driving has sent many to their early graves. Don't tell her girls shouldn't engage in rough driving.  Excuse me,  should boys drive rough?

When she smokes and takes hot drinks,  remind her of the dangers of these habits. Don't tell her she shouldn't engage in them because of her gender. Dangerous habits are dangerous to everyone.

'Don't you know you are a Girl?' means girls shouldn't do wrong but boys are allowed to.

'Don't you know you are a Girl?' is the reason there are so many ladies trying hard to fit into societal standards while so many grown men going against them and not being called to order.

'Don't you know you are a Girl?' screams hey,  girls be good, hey boys,  do as you please.

'Don't you know you are a Girl? ' leaves the girl child feeling she belongs to an abnormal and unfortunate and inferior gender and she only has to protest to be seen as normal, fortunate, equal or superior.

When you correct a gender but not a wrong,  you leave the corrected believing that wrong is permitted for gender A but not for gender B. You cheer gender B on.

Let's raise humans that see a wrong and address it and not humans that correct genders.

The new way to correct erring humans should be,  'Don't you know this or that is wrong? '

Dear girl, why are you so rude? Don't you know it is wrong to be rude?

Let the language change.



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